Taj Mahal Bridport Celebrates 40 years in Bridport

Rafique and Helen moved to Bridport and opened the Taj Mahal in May 1983. At that time they travelled daily to Bridport from Christchurch. The Taj Mahal was the first Indian Restaurant in Bridport, and is now the oldest restaurant in the Town under the same...

Indian Breakfast/Brunch Sunday 12 June 10.30-2pm

For the first time we shall be opening for breakfast/brunch on Sunday 12 June from 10.30-2pm. This is a special event, and will kick start the popular Bridport Food Festival fortnight running from 12 – 24 June www.bridportfoodfestival.co.uk. The menu that has...

Monday July 19 2021

As we all know on Monday 19 July most of the remaining lockdown restrictions will be lifted in England. Sadly COViD cases are rising in Bridport and we at the Taj Mahal want all our customers to know that their safety and our staff’s continues to be our...